Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts

Friday 31 January 2014

Foreo Luna Mini Review

Its been just over a month since I received my Foreo Luna mini for Christmas and as promised, though a little late, I thought id let you know how I got on with it. I’ve been using the device as part of my skin routine twice daily with my favourite face cleanser, Clinique’s anti blemish solution. The facial cleanser is the only cleanser I’ve used in about 3 years mainly because it works unlike other cleaners I’ve tried in the past and works even better with my Foreo.

At first I thought that the Foreo would be one of these fad devices that claims to work wonders but it does nothing it claims to do or would improve my skin for about a week and then just make it worse. I could not be more WRONG. Its is a amazing, I’ve noticed such a difference in my complexion, my skin is super soft, I have less black heads, my pores appear smaller and I have only had one breakout since using it.  It is because of all this that I don’t think I will just wash my face again. I cannot fault this skincare device, it 100% gets a massive thumbs up from me. Thanks Foreo.

Let me know what you think of this review in the comment box below.

Laura Jade x

Sunday 29 December 2013

What I got for christmas

Apologises for not blogging for a little while, I’ve been really busy working and spending time with my family over the Christmas period. I had an amazing Christmas and have been thoroughly spoilt. I am incredibly grateful for the time spent with my family and for all the presents I have received. I thought I would share a few of them with all of you.

A while ago when I went shopping for Christmas presents, I visited the Pandora store in West Quay, Southampton. I’ve never been a massive fan of Pandora but I spotted a silver bracelet from their new collection ‘Essence’, and fell in love with the charms so brought it as a Christmas present for myself.  For Christmas my parents gave me the ‘Loyalty’ charm and my sisters gave me the ‘Respect’ charm.

My parents also gave me a Ted Baker make up bag. I’ve accumulated a lot of make up recently and have been using a box to store all my make up and brushes in so I can finally have a mass sort out and have somewhere practical to store my make up. My main present (also from my parents) is something that was on the top of my Christmas list as soon as it came out. Foreo Luna mini is pretty much a clarisonaic but without all the interchange heads and hefty price tag. It’s simply a compact, silicone, and skincare device to help cleanse your face. I’ve used it twice everyday since Christmas and so far my skin feels amazing. At this stage its pretty hard to measure how much of an improvement it has made, so at the end of the month I’ll write a review and let you all know how I’ve got on with the device.

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Laura x